
Corrections and Additions
August 12, 2019
FRIGHTFUL Mystery Sampler Part 1
Stitch Count for the entire sampler is listing correctly on Page 1, but incorrectly on Page 2 (the chart page). Stitch count for the entire FRIGHTFUL Mystery Sampler is 82W x 283H.
April, 2018
B59 Things That We Love Inspiration Boxer
The symbol for Weeks Dye Works grapevine thread (DMC 3031) is incorrect. It should be the solid box symbol. Sorry for the error!
March, 2018
#190 Spring Smalls
The DMC equivalent for Weeks Dye Works concord should be 3834. The DMC equivalent for Weeks Dye Works moss should be 731.
December, 2017
S134 Stocking Sleds
The symbol is wrong for the buckle on Santa's belt. It should be LK symbol (bright leaf/DMC 435).
November, 2017
Spirit of Christmas Mystery Sampler
Even with the Christmas elves proofing this sampler - multiple times - vigilant mystery stitchers have found a couple little errors. Thanks for your help and understanding.
Part 2 - On the word "to" next to the pine tree trunk - the letter "t" should have one more stitch on top, so it matches the other letter t's in the sampler.
Part 3 - On the wreath the bottom flower has one stitch that doesn't match the 2 flowers above. On the bottom row on this flower, the stitch on the right needs to move one space to the left (just like the other 2 flowers above).
October 16, 2017
F170 Merry Celebrate! with Charm Flip-it
The heart symbol does not appear in the thread list. The heart symbol (on the cake stand) should have been the hollow circle, which is WDW chickpea/DMC 422.
The DMC equivalent for Gentle Art Sampler Threads holly berry is 3831
August 28, 2017
F168 Boo Celebrate! with Charm Flip-it
The first "O" in BOO contains an incorrect symbol. The letter "O" is stitched in onyx (black) and should have the solid box symbol.
June 5, 2017
F167 Liberty Celebrate! with Charm Flip-it
The Huneywood frame is PB575. It was incorrectly listed as PB757. Sorry for the error!

April 19, 2017
F167 Liberty Celebrate! with Charm Flip-it
Click the model image for a Canadian conversion for our Liberty Flip-it. Just sub in the boxed section and replace "Liberty" with "True North". The color key is the same.
Many thanks to our Canadian friend, Ann McDonald, (from Knowledge and Needles in Brighton, Ontario) for suggesting this adaptation and stitching our model.
November 14, 2016
#176 Tiny Tidings XXI
The frame listed is wrong. Correct frame is PB1981.
October 20, 2016
S128 Peppermint Sleds Snippet
On the middle sled (with the 4 peppermint motifs), the symbol around the outside border should be the right side up triangle (instead of upside down triangle). The outside border is stitched in Seaweed WDW (DMC 935).
August, 2016
F162 September October Yearbook Double Fip
On the September design, there is a wrong symbol on the little pink pig. The 2 diagonal lines (sort of like a diagonal equal sign) should be the LK symbol. These little pig "spots" (3 of them) are stitched with WDW grapevine (DMC 3031). Sorry for the error on this little piggy!
June, 2015
We accidentally published the wrong inventory # for 32 ct. Lambswool linen. It should be Wichelt 65135. Sorry, everyone!
May 4
K79 A Little Wedding: We listed the DMC wrong color equivalent for WDW verdigris on chart. It should be DMC 3816.
January 14
Things Unseen Mystery Sampler - Part 3
Where does the little rosebud button (from optional embellishment pack) belong? It belongs on Part 3 of the bonus design. Attach rosebud button on bottom wavy border - directly underneath the letters "h" and "a" in the word "happy". Just center the rosebud on the border, and create a sweet accent.
January 6, 2015
Things Unseen Mystery Sampler Part 2
- In far upper right corner, there is a square stitched in Oscar. There is a hollow dot in the middle of that block. Please disregard - it should not be there!
- On Part 1 stitch diagram, I incorrectly labeled the stitch diagram as Smyrna cross. It should say Algerian Eye. Please stitch as graphed.
November 10, 2014
Things Unseen Mystery Sampler Part 1
- On the left hand border, the square block stitched in Oscar (next to the word "be") should be 16 stitches, instead of the 12 stitches shown on graph. Refer to the upper left corner block for correct graph. All little "Oscar blocks" should be 16 stitches, wherever they appear on the Mystery Sampler.
- The 3rd row contains a row of flowers. On Chart 1 graph, the 1st and 3rd flower straight stitches were incorrectly graphed. They should be stitched like flowers on stitch illustration - with all straight stitches pointing towards the center. Refer to the instructions on this stitch illustration for colors for flower petals and flower centers. This correction is only relevant for linen stitchers, not Aida stitchers.
Our apologies and many thanks to the stitcher sleuths who found these errors!
October 30, 2014
#168 Flora McSample's 2014 Stockings
There are some errors on the Reindeer Sampler stocking. The flower pot and date have the wrong symbols. Both should be stitched in grapevine. Near the toe of this stocking, there are round shapes with floral motifs inside. Those are charted to be stitched in cayenne, but they should be stitched in red pear.
June 24, 2014
F144 Just Batty/Trick or Treat Tingles Double Flip
On the Trick or Treat design, the letter "c" in the word "trick" is graphed wrong. There is an extra stitch in the middle which turns it into the letter "e." Please eliminate extra stitch - refer to photo and you'll see the correction letter "c."
March 14, 2014
#160 Life is Not Measured
The symbol used for the words "we take" are incorrect. These words should be stitched in WDW havana, which is the symbol /.
October 18, 2013
On the bottom of Part 1 graph, there is a row of 5 snowflakes. They are stitched in parchment WDW and surrounded with a background of artichoke WDW. The 5th snowflake on the far right has one stitch incorrectly graphed on middle right, far right stitch. This snowflake should look exactly like the other 4, to its left.
Sorry for the snowflake error...no two flakes are alike, except in needlework!
August 6, 2013
#159 Tiny Tidings XVIII
We left out the / symbol for the reindeer face in the design, Reindeer Crossing. We stitched it in WDW pecan (DMC 434/Anchor 310). Merry Stitching!
March, 2013
K64 Flowers Limited Edition Kit
Sorry - we left off a symbol! The solid upside-down triangle symbol was stitched with Weeks Dye Works pecan (DMC 434/Anchor 310). We apologize for the omission!!! Happy floral stitching!
July 5, 2012
Very Scary Mystery Sampler Part 1
The top center arrow is placed incorrectly. It should be 2.5 spaced farther to the left. No worry...the error is small and won't seriously affect the placement of the sampler on your fabric. When you begin Part 2, just line up the boxed area at the bottom of Part 1 with the boxes area at the top of Part 2 and continue stitching. No, this mistake wasn't part of the "mystery" and we apologize!
April 20, 2012
#153 Bacon Bits
The stitch count for "I Love you more than Bacon!" is incorrect. It should be 69w x 47h.
SORRY, bacon lovers!
February 19, 2012
Q003 Dogs Leave Paw Prints
The symbol for the opening on the dog house should have been the "x" symbol. The correct floss should be Weeks Dye Works Kris's bonbon (DMC 801/Anchor 359). We woof our apologies!
January 25, 2012
K56 A Little Love Kit
So sorry! We left out the symbol and threads used for the "L" in Love. It should be stitched in WDW purple haze (DMC 3740/Anchor 873).
September 8, 2011
S96 Land That I Love Now & Then Snippet
Stitch count is wrong for the "Then" version. It should be 45W x 80H
July 21, 2011
#149 Autumn Alphabet
On letter "F" the outside border all around the letter should be stitched in caterpillar (DMC 3031). It should have the solid box symbol.
August 24, 2010
Q-007 Be Naughty
The color for the tree trunk was omitted. We use Weeks Dye Works hazelnut (DMC 434/310), but you can use any snippet of brown that you have in your stash.
August 19, 2010
K48 Autumn Fab Fob
We listed the wrong color name for a Week Dye Works thread. It should be "Autumn Leaves," instead of "Fallen Leaves." This beautiful variegated thread is used for the ray stitches, which are supposed to look like fall leaves!
March 15, 2010
K43 Spring Fab Fob
Butterfly wings should be stitched in snowflake (DMC B5200/Anchor 1).
Butterfly body should be stitched in pumpkin (DMC 721/Anchor 324)
Aqua detail inside butterfly wings is graphed correctly as huckleberry.
K44 Chicks Rule Kit
The 3 chicks should be stitched in squash (DMC 973/Anchor 297). The squash symbol should have been an X.
March 11, 2009
F83 Black Cat/Spiders Boo Club! Double Flips
On the "spiders" design, the symbol for the large solid dot is missing from the key. The large solid dot is used for the teal-colored inside border. We stitched with Weeks Dye Works ocean (DMC 3809/Anchor 1066).
January 10, 2009
B25 Did You Ever Stop to Think? Giggle Boxer
The symbol for the light green color was left off the bottom of the symbol chart. The dash symbol corresponds to the DMC 3348/Anchor 264 listed at the bottom of the symbol chart.
June 25, 2007
B18 Summer Banner Boxer Jr.
The outside border should be stitched in GAST hyacinth (DMC 3740/Anchor 872), not in shutter green as listed.
February 16, 2007
#F60 A Bit of March Flip-It
We mistakenly reversed the symbols for the colors kohl and pistachio. Your shamrock will be green and the pot of gold will be black.
#129 Spring Crazy
We incorrectly listed the DMC for the large dot symbol. The correct DMC is 310 (black).
February 28
#115 Baby Sampler
Our apologies to stitchers looking to personalize their Baby Sampler. We failed to include an upper case alphabet for name capitalization. This alphabet graph includes both lower and upper case alphabets, along with numbers for you to personalize your charts. Sorry for the omission!
#S52 Spring Basket
There is an incorrect symbol used for the light blue flower in the center of the basket. The upside down triangle symbol should have been the solid square symbol (DMC 3752/Anchor 1032). This is the same solid square symbol that is used for the check pattern at the bottom of the graph.
K23 Strawberry Scissor Case
The headings have been transposed at the top of the thread key. Strawberry Fields is a Weeks Dye Works fiber. Pine and Spring Grass are fibers from Gentle Arts Sampler Threads.
Many apologies to all!
#105 Liberty Sampler
On some (not all) copies of this chart, there is a symbol error on the square design (right side of page). The symbol with 4 dots that is used for the grass under the 3 little houses is not listed in the symbol code. The symbol should have been the LK symbol. The LK symbol is equivalent to Gentle Arts Sampler Threads evergreen or DMC 502/Anchor 877. The grass is stitched in the same color as the grass that appears in the larger rectangular design.
#083 Halloween Highway Correction Sheet (.pdf format)
#102 Love Sampler Sorry to report... we have found an error on #102 Love Sampler. The numbers for the dash symbol (-) are reversed on the DMC listing, so the wrong Anchor equivalent is also listed. The - symbol that currently says DMC 3685/Anchor 1028 should say DMC 3865/Anchor 2. We sincerely apologize for the error.
B02 Winter Boxer
On the B02 Winter Boxer... The numbers for DMC and Anchor are reversed for the
conversions for Bluecoat Red. It should read Bluecoat Red, DMC 3777/Anchor
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