Copyright Info |
Educating the public is paramount to putting an end to the illegal practice of "sharing" charts on the internet. Please help the industry by helping designers protect what is legally theirs. Notify the copyright holder when you see charts illegally uploaded to the internet or being "shared" in web based groups. "Sharing" a purchase with others has both a short and long term negative effect on the industry. Please be a part of the solution.
Q: What does the copyright symbol and date mean on a needlework pattern?
A: Date: The year that the design was completed or published. Copyright: A copyright is a legal device that gives the creator of a literary, artistic, musical, or other creative work the sole right to publish and sell that work. Copyright owners have the right to control the reproduction of their work, including the right to receive payment for that reproduction. An author may grant or sell those rights to others, including publishers or recording companies. Violation of a copyright is called infringement. (Taken from http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/copyright)
Q: Is it against the law to scan and upload needlework patterns to the internet?
A: Yes. This violates the designers copyright, U.S. laws and international copyright laws.
Q: Can I sell, give away or trade the original pattern I purchased?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I make a copy of my friend's chart so that I can stitch the design myself?
A: No. Wait for her to give you the original chart. Making copies even from a friend's chart is illegal and violates copyright laws.
Lizzie*Kate, Inc.
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"Lizzie*Kate" logo trademark of Linda Ebright of Lizzie*Kate, Inc.
"Snippets" logo trademark of Linda Ebright of Lizzie*Kate, Inc.